Saturday, May 24, 2008

Yeah. I went there.

I just put my blog URL up as my Facebook status.

My ethical opposition to blogging stems from my apprehension of the blogger's mindset. What kind of person thinks, "Oh, wow, my life and ideas are so damn interesting! I'll put myself online and get everyone I know--and even everyone I don't--to read about my boring quotidian experiences and/or political opinions!"?

A jackass. That's what kind of person.

That said, if I'm going to be joining the jackasses, I might as well be the best jackass I can be. So, if you found yourself stumbling onto this site from my Facebook profile, that's the explanation. To loosely paraphrase Stewie Griffin, I may have a blog, but I have it ironically.

By the way--does anyone know if I should be censoring myself? Obviously, everything that gets put up here lives forever on the Internet, but I'm not really concerned about future employers. I'm more worried that I might be violating some Light Fellowship bloggers' standards for decency. If so, a heads-up would be nice.

Friday, May 23, 2008

The saga begins... soon.

As anyone who knows me is well aware, I find blogging morally objectionable. However, it's better than having to write a summarizing essay at the end, so, for the rest of the summer, I will be regaling you, my (very few or nonexistent) readers with wild and wacky exaggerations of my daring exploits in Tokyo.

The program doesn't start until the 13th, but I'll be arriving early, on June 6th, to get a solid week of partying into my system before the subsequent 8 solid weeks of partying that will undoubtedly constitute my Light Fellowship.

I look forward to it. お母さんへ言葉.